I have nothing against those who want to be good stewards of this earth, but I believe another agenda can be found just below the surface. Namely, some of the leaders of the environmental movement seem to want to exert their control over mankind. Specifically, by measuring a person’s “carbon footprint” or judging how they use earth’s resources seems to be some of the ways that they are going about doing this.
Others have expressed alarm that the Mayan calendar, written many centuries ago, only goes through 2012. I’ve read that a Mayan prophet was said to have predicted that the earth will end on winter solstice of that year which is December 21, 2012. In other words, don’t bother to do your Christmas shopping that year!
I find it useless to engage in conversations that have little or no merit or distract people from what they really need to hear: God loves them, their sins separate them from Him, sinners (every person on earth) must realize that Jesus already paid the price for their sins, and that by asking for His forgiveness and restoration, communion with God will be restored.
Will the world end in 2012? Well it could. But, we aren’t to concern ourselves with a date. Instead, in Matthew 25:13, Jesus said: “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” The only way we can truly watch is by having eyes that see and only those eyes opened up by God can truly comprehend the events of our day.
So it the correct moment to join hands with everyone to make this world a big BONDED FAMILY and to take some small steps towards stopping pollution and global warming.