Most Efficient Solar Panels
Two great questions many people ask about solar panels are: “Which panels have the highest efficiency?” and, “Which solar PV panels are the best?”
This solar power panel comparison chart compares the output per square foot surface area of most 200 W model solar panels. All of the modules on this chart are label rated at 200 Watts, which means in strict laboratory conditions, they produce the same output. However, I have compared them based on their PTC ratings which is the rating given under realistic test conditions. Sanyo, SunPower, Schuco, Kyocera, Suntech, GE, Evergreen, Canadian Solar, and Sharp are common solar panel manufacturers used by installers in the US.
Of the highest output panels, both Sanyo and SunPower panels have the highest efficiency per surface area in real world conditions. Given a limited roof area with which to install solar panels, these panels are the best choice to produce the most electric output per square foot. However, this doesn’t mean that these panels will always be the best choice.
The chart below shows 30 of the most common and efficient solar power panels on the market and listed on the State of California’s “List of Eligible SB1 Guidelines Compliant Photovoltaic Modules” as of July 1, 2009. The PTC/Sqft is basically how many watts per square foot that panel will produce. (click on image to enlarge)
So, if I know the most efficient solar panels, then I know which solar panels are the best, right? Well, if efficiency is all you care about, then yes. But efficiency may not be the most important factor. I would argue that the two most important factors in choosing the best solar panels are 1) the annual kWh production (the expected output) and 2) the price.
Would you pay more for “more efficient” panels, if I told you I could get you a less expensive system that outputs more, fits on your property and lasts just as long?
Check out my solar panel comparison chart for a more in depth explanation.